PWR Labz, in short, is a lifestyle supplement company looking to break the mold within the fitness industry. Our motto“PWR THROUGH”comes from our roots of perseverance. This motto extends from fitness to everyday life. Failure is not an option... our time is NOW!
Ray Genadry (FOUNDER)
Athlete turned gym addict Ray, leads the PWR family and team with the philosophy: “We are the people’s brand”. Addicted to creating kick ass products with nostalgic flavors to match; all while and growing the PWR fam, Ray created PWR Labz in 2020 mid pandemic. “If we can make it during a pandemic, then there is absolutely nothing that can stop us from reaching the top”. The PWR Through mindset was created from this and has allowed us to become a national brand in less than 2 years. Ray is a firm believer in perseverance and want to bring people with this mindset together under one roof and show the industry how we set the new standard. OUR TIME IS NOW!
Noah Siegel (FOUNDER)
Former writer and Optimum Nutrition athlete; now current gym owner of Siege Athletics in New York, Noah has over two decades of professional experience in the gym and supplement industry. He leads the PWR team with expertise on bridging gaps and holding the highest standard for PWR Labz and its affiliates. “Refusing to fail in every aspect allows for growth even in the darkest times”. The Refuse to Fail mentality has evolved into the PWR Through mindset. Embracing adversity has allowed Noah to grow his successes in the supplement and gym industry.